Monday, January 7, 2013

Downton Abbey Season 3 Premiere Recap

Downton Abbey Season 3 Premiere Recap

Welcome back to the wonderful world that is Downton Abbey. As Laura Linney said in the introduction to Downton's Season 3 premiere last night, Downton should be considered a “controlled substance”. The costumes, the countryside, and the characters have consumed us since last years’ season finale, but instead of giving you a play by play of what happened last night I thought I’d highlight some of the best lines because no one does dialogue like Downton!

 The Earl of Downton
“Are you telling me all the money is gone?”

“She’ll go into state morning and cast a pall over the proceedings.”

Mr. Carston
“If you cannot speak civilly you can eat out in the yard.”
“It’s like the chaos of Gomorrah!”
“Where’s the style, where’s the show?”

Mrs. Padamore
“Oh dear, have you gone on and swallowed a dictionary?”


“Never make an enemy by accident.”
“A cook broke in, cooked an arsenic pie, and forced her to eat it?”
“What I see, is a good man milady, and they’re not like buses, another one won’t be along in ten minutes.”  

“How can I admit what isn’t true?”

Matthew Crawley
“We’re to be brother-in-laws with high minded wives, we'd better stick together.”

Tom Branson
“I’ll tell you this, you won’t be happy with anyone else while Lady Mary walks the earth.”

Martha Levinson
“Oh really? So strange to think of the English embracing change.”
“Oh dear, I think the war has made old women of both of us.”

The Dowager Countess
“A family should never be a topic of conversation.”
“I shall make sure he behaves normal and I’ll hold his hand to the radiator to ensure that he does!”
“Are you going up to the house to welcome the Queen of Sheeba?”
“I am a woman of many parts.”
“She looks as if she’ll bury us all.”
“Nothing succeeds like excess!”
“I’m so sorry, I thought you were our waiter.”

Mrs. Hughes
“One day, I will die, as will you, and everyone else under this roof.”

No Mrs. Hughes, Dowton Abbey will go on forever, that's the thing about great houses, they outshine and outlive us all!

I’d like to thank all the other Downton Gala hostesses please stop by and check out their posts: Tracie Banister, Laura Chapman, Jen Coffeen, Jenny Gardiner, Cat Lavoie, Meredith Schorr and Jen Tucker. Our Friday's Q&A was a great success and last night’s Twitter party was quite the gala. Don’t forget there are still a couple of days left to enter to win the GIVEAWAY, just visit each hosts' blog and answer their question and please leave an email address where you can be reached.

Can’t wait for the rest of the season!

Lady Elizabeth Marx


  1. There were so many great lines in the premiere - I don't know how you kept track of them all, Elizabeth! The writing on this show really is brilliant.

    Looking forward to Ep 2!

  2. I agree Tracie, the writing is so...dare I say it...PERFECT! Well it's pretty close. The only reason I was able to get them all was the DVR! Plus I got to watch it again! Looking forward to what's next! Edith's wedding???
    Have a great Monday,
    Lady E (I'll be so sad when I can no longer be Lady E)

  3. Awesome quotes! Loved the premiere. Looking forward to next week! :)
    Can I call myself Lady Catherine? (Why is there no Lady Catherine on the show. There should be. I VOLUNTEER!) :)

    1. Lady Catherine,
      Yes of course, we don't stand on formalities here. You may assume the identity of anyone you choose. Upstairs for you!
      Have a great one!
      Lady E

  4. Lady Laura has a nice sound to it...

    Great recap, Elizabeth. Thanks for catching all of these quotes. The Dowager was on again!

    1. Lady Laura,
      Thanks for stopping by. The Dowager, "She's like a homing pigeon, always finding our underbelly." ! I forgot that one! I would say she's a pistol, but we all know a cannon when we see one.
      Lady E

  5. The Queen of Sheeba Line had me in stitches! The homing pigeon one above was also awesome. Who am I kidding, almost every line out of Violet's mouth makes me giggle.

    1. Meredith,
      The Dowager Countess was on, that's for sure! Have a great week and thanks for stopping by!
      Lady E

  6. I'm probably being a nuisance here but I have to correct two of the character names because it's driving me slightly nuts. The butler is Mr. Carson and the cook is Mrs. Patmore. I found a way to watch online and loved the first episode. The Dowager Countess was wonderful as usual. :)

    1. Thanks for the corrections Kate. Carston I can only explain because he's one of my characters in Binding Arbitration. Patmore, I should have caught or perhaps a hearing check is in order!
      Lady E

  7. I love how witty and sharp-tongued all the characters are.
